Bell Target Shooting


Norfolk Broads Bell Target Club was formed in July 2019. We believe we are the first and currently only Bell Target Shooting Club in Norfolk.

Bell Target as an activity is over a hundred years old and is still very popular in pubs and clubs around the Midlands. At one time, more people participated in bell target than playing football.

Bell Target involves shooting at a steel target over a distance of 6 yards (5.5 metres). The target has rings scribed on its surface at inch diameter intervals, and a 3/8 "(10mm) hole in the centre. Behind the hole is a loud bell that rings satisfyingly to indicate a "bull's eye." We score a 5 for the centre ring, 4 for the next, and so on. Ringing the bell scores the shooter an extra 0.1. We each take eight shots giving a maximum score of 40.8 per round.

We use .177 calibre air rifles. Typically these have a power of around 6ftlbs, which is around half that of an off-the-shelf air rifle. Magnifying sights are not allowed; most rifles are equipped with dioptre sights, although some older rifles have open sights. Some members have modern precharged pneumatic rifles but the majority shoot more traditional spring-powered rifles. We have had rifles over a hundred years old at the club.

All shots are taken free standing.

Most shooters have their own rifles, but loan rifles are available for anyone wishing to have a go.

We meet every Tuesday between 7 and 9 pm in Ludham village hall. During the warmer months, we hold social events involving a shooting activity.

Shooters will be considered for membership after having shot at four meetings. Membership costs £20 per year, and there is a £5 nightly fee. Tea, coffee, and biscuits are included in the fee, along with rifle loan and pellets. Shooters will have 3 to 5 rounds each night, depending on the numbers attending.

We hold a junior session which runs before the adult session from 5.30 to 7.00 pm. Places for this are limited and must be booked in advance.*

*PLEASE NOTE: Until further notice, due to the Covid situation, there will be NO junior sessions.

To find out more about Norfolk Broads Bell Target Club and the history  of this fascinating sport visit our website:
